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Multifunction patch antennas filled with metamaterial structures

F.J. Herraiz-Martínez, V. González-Posadas, D. Segovia-Vargas

37th European Microwave Conference - EuMC 2007, Múnich (Alemania). 09-12 octubre 2007

Microstrip patch antennas filled with metamaterial structures are presented. Multiple operation over several frequencies is shown from transmission line model. The proposed antennas present two dipolar modes (similar to the fundamental mode of a conventional microstrip patch antenna) and a monopolar mode (similar to the fundamental mode of a short-circuited patch antenna). The frequency ratio between the modes can be arbitrarily chosen. A prototype is designed to operate simultaneously over several wireless services (GSM-Galileo-UMTS). Size reduction regarding to conventional lambda/2 patches is also achieved.

Palabras clave: Patch antennas, Metamaterials, Microstrip antennas, Frequency, Antenna radiation patterns, Resonance, Antennas and propagation, Transmission line theory, Microwave theory and techniques, Microwave communication

DOI: DOI icon

Fecha de publicación: 2007-10-09.

F.J. Herraiz-Martínez, V. González-Posadas, D. Segovia-Vargas, Multifunction patch antennas filled with metamaterial structures, 37th European Microwave Conference - EuMC 2007, Múnich (Alemania). 09-12 octubre 2007.

    Líneas de investigación:
  • Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC)
  • Comunicaciones digitales
  • Instrumentación electrónica

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